Our Story

We are a bunch of likeminded individuals’ thinkers, writers, bloggers, researchers, analyst and above all humans, who are striving passionately for a positive and prosperous, CHANGE in Pakistan particularly and in region generally.

A change

Which gives hope, empowers people, educate people about their rights & rights of others, which gives confidence to live as a respectable citizen of the country and responsible citizen of the world.

We believe as humans, as citizens of the world, no matter which religion, sect, and community we belong to we can co-exist by championing the cause of neglected segments of the society and bringing them in the mainstream.

And this led to the birth of R.E.D!

What We Do


R.E.D International envisages an educated, diverse and peaceful world.


To build individual/Institutional capacity to empower them to serve better.


Since R.E.D is founded on the philosophy of continuous improvement, respect, integrity, appreciating diversity & sustainability, it also serves as our driving principles. Read more ...

Continuous Improvement

“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” Aristotle

We are striving for excellence in what we do and that is why our satisfaction is short lived. We search, research and deliver and the cycle goes on.


We respect the needs, values, ideas, traditions and culture of our team, partners, stakeholder and community at large and build relationships on the principle of trust and mutual benefit.

  • We demonstrate respect by being involved with the locals, by being sensitive to their socio economic realities.
  • We treat our team members and partners fairly and honestly.


Give a Man a Fish, and You Feed Him for a Day. Teach a Man To Fish, and You Feed Him for a Lifetime. (Chinese proverb)

We believe in sustainable interventions whose impact last long. We not only seek sustainability for ourselves but for our people. We work with them to empower them.


We do what we say! We deliver what we commit!

Appreciating Diversity

"I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it" (Voltaire)

At R.E.D we believe in appreciating differences just like we appreciate various flowers in a bouquet

  • As they broaden our horizon
  • Make us see things from a different lens

We appreciate the experiences, opinions, values, our team, our partners and the communities we serve to deliver our mission and vision.

We recruit & retain staff on the above principles.


Bismah Baig Mirza

Executive Director

Abid Hussain

Director Programs & Operations

Ramsha Ashraf

Senior Program Manager

Saima Zeb

Senior M&E Manager

Sajid Hussain

Admin & HR Manager

Rabia Gull

Finance Manager

Zunaira Mustaqeem

Social Media Manager


Nusrat Mirza

Media Development & Strategic Affairs

Shahida Kazi

Expert Education & Women Empowerment

Dr. Sohail Amjad

Expert M & E System & Designs

Mariana Davila

International Expert, Result Based M&E

Contact Us

  RED International,

       Islamabad, Pakistan, 44000

  (+92) 51 8736629-30
